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Personal Notes of Inspiration For 2014

What drives you as an entrepreneur? A question all of us get asked a lot, and one that we ponder especially during these last days of the year where we look back and analyze. We try to learn from our mistakes and make sure to celebrate our achievements, all whilst looking ahead into a new year with the plan to accelerate and prosper, our companies as well as ourselves personally.

This inspiration to keep pushing, to uncover solutions, to assist others and to turn into better human beings, or brands, comes from strange places: nature, arts, (mostly silent) sports, science and fellow human beings. Each and every one of us picks their favorite source of inspiration, and over time, after our 20th marathon or 10th Art Biennial visit, we realize that it is what informs our work. In a subliminal manner, but one that once realized can be analyzed and traced right back to those often addictive and slightly obsessive personal journeys deep into a matter that is far removed from our professional area of expertise and work place.

Today I share mine with you, knowing all too well that personal obsessions are ill-advised to be shared with large audiences, as they are odd and, well… personal, but by me doing so, I hope to inspire you to stick to that thing you do that takes a lot of your time away from your work, your family and friends, yet you need in order to keep being inspired, and to keep inspiring others.

2013 ReVisited is this obsession, my labor of love; a carefully curated selection from 5,315 musical tracks released in 2013 that found their way into my collection, which means I listened to an album and a half every day of this year. I then compiled the best tracks into a monthly curated podcast called PreVisited. This compilation showcases the best of those podcasts. It represents my personal journey through the music that was released this year and it might even turn into your soundtrack of 2014. You will rediscover electronic music pioneers (OMD, Depeche Mode) and all-time greats (David Bowie, U2), while getting to know artists you may have never heard of (Mt. Royal, Charley Bickers, Jont). You will find songs that belong to each other, creating perfect sequences in voice (Lorde & Emiliana Torrini) or music (Phosphorescent & Mt. Royal) and if you stick around long enough you get to explore German rap poetry (Thomas D, Xavier Naidoo). I hope you will find some new favorites, or at least enjoy this eclectic journey through the past year in music, while thinking about what it is that gets – and will keep getting – you inspired.

Thank you for following the New Brand Post, for stimulating my thoughts on branding and for absorbing them on a weekly basis.

Let‘s rock 2014!

2013 ReVisited (The best of a year in music) by Fabian Geyrhalter on Mixcloud

CATEGORIES: Blog Startup Advice


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