White Papers

5 Ingredients of a Strong Brand Foundation

If we think of your new brand as a building, the Brand Platform is the foundation upon which the construction takes place. If the foundation is strong and well considered, anything built on it has a higher chance of being equally sturdy. Too often, new brands rush to create a visual identity before having a firm Brand Platform in place, essentially putting a beautifully designed cart miles before the horse. Before your chosen design firm begins any work, you want to have a keen understanding of your new brand’s benefits, marketplace, target audience, and personality.

Download our free white paper to learn about:

  • Why it Matters
  • Constructing a Philosophy
  • Crafting a Personality
  • Discovering how you Differentiate
  • Identifying your Ideal Audience
  • Creating a Positioning Statement

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Brand Architecture Strategies for Sustainable Brand Development

Launching a new brand without a strategic growth plan in place is like launching a kayak into a river without a paddle. You will not be able to forge ahead on a deliberate path without something to help guide you. A strategic plan for a Brand Architecture structure can help successfully guide the growth of your company as it expands into a web of brands, either built from the ground up or acquired into your portfolio.

Download our free white paper to learn about:

  • Why it Matters
  • Strategy Option A: House of Brands
  • Strategy Option B: Branded House
  • Top 3 Considerations for your Brand Architecture Strategy

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How to Name your New Brand Successfully

Quite possibly, your organization’s greatest asset—the name of your new brand—will be with you for many years to come. It will become the launchpad from which all the other elements of your brand will spring, including potential sub-brands in the future. It sets the overall tone for your organization or product. Once a name has been selected and implemented, it is an expensive and disruptive undertaking to go through the process of changing that name. This is why it is so important to get it right the first time.

Download our free white paper to learn about:

  • Characteristics of a Great Name
  • Types of Brand Names
  • Selecting the Final Name
  • Trademarks
  • Megatrends, Trends, and Fads

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How to Match Your New Brand Name with an Appropriate Domain Name

Naming your brand successfully (see our White Paper on this topic) and formulating your domain name go hand in hand. Every startup has different needs when it comes to domain ownership. Is owning your .com domain outright the only way to go? Or are there other ways you can have success with a creatively modified domain? Even if you have already answered these questions, factors such as domain availability, pricing, and trademark rights will all influence your final decision. In this white paper we offer a personalized guide to help you make strategic and informed decisions as you go through the process of choosing your new domain name.

Download our free white paper to learn about:

  • Branding your domain name
  • The process of choosing a domain
  • Purchasing a domain from an existing owner
  • What to do when the .com domain name for your brand is unavailable
  • How much money is a .com domain worth?
  • Alternatives to “brand.com” ownership

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Creating Brands with a Purpose – When Social Impact turns into Profit

As the consumer market becomes increasingly saturated with competitive product and service offerings, branding is emerging as a key differentiator for prospective consumers. Thanks to a growing number of digital channels that allow consumers to interact with brands, consumers have the opportunity to be well-informed before they make a purchase. The most recent Edelman GoodPurpose study, which “explores consumer attitudes around social purpose, including their commitment to specific societal issues and their expectations of brands and corporations,” supports the notion that consumers care about how brands address social issues. Fostering a win-win relationship between business and the greater community is the ultimate goal of creating a brand with a purpose.

Download our free white paper to learn about:

  • Succeeding with Purpose
  • Lessons in Creating a Purpose-driven Brand from Birth: The TOMS Case Study
  • Lessons in Strengthening a Brand by Adopting a Cause: The Ben & Jerry’s Case Study

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How to Gain Swift Stakeholder Buy-in During the Early Stages of your Brand Creation

Just as “no man is an island,” no entrepreneur or CMO exists in a vacuum. We naturally seek the advice of our coworkers, friends, family, and mentors. Validation and constructive criticism are crucial in developing a brand. However, one can easily upset this delicate balance either by ignoring the counsel of others or seeking the opinion of everyone. This step in the process is a rather slippery slope, but we have devised some tips and tricks to save you time, money, and sanity.

An important issue that gets overlooked too often by entrepreneurs and CMOs is getting buy-in at the right times and from the right people. Appropriate timing and knowing whom to involve are key differentiators between smooth sailing with a set destination and being adrift with no land in sight (as it pertains to your launch).

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