Benevido Brand Strategy

Entering a crowded space of instant coffee - with the added benefit of natural plant-based ingredients - Benevido sought us out for assistance in the creation of a strong positioning and brand presence on the shelves. Throughout our one-day workshop we focused on the behavior of consuming instantaneous coffee, a quick fix in people's busy lives. A habit that is fueled by short-term benefits is now being furthered to additional long-term health benefits. This became the foundational story that fueled our long-term vision for brand name and identity.

Benevido Naming

Based on our findings from the brand strategy phase, the name for this instant coffee startup needed to fuel long-term benefits while being internationally feasible and memorable. Benevido was derived from the words ‘benefit,’ ‘bueno‘ (’good’ in spanish) and ‘vida’ (’life’ in spanish) to create a brand name that is easy to pronounce, ownable, and automatically conveyed the brand’s values.

Benevido Identity

The identity for instant coffee brand Benevido instills the philosophies and values that the brand emulates. Dynamic curves and swoops create movement that emulate growth, signifying the long-term health benefits of Benevido's added natural ingredients. The communal aura brings thoughts of rejuvenation and a celebration of life. A coffee bean in perspective ties the identity together and hints at the contents within.